1. How many days per week do I need to work out?
Depending on your health and fitness goals, you'll need to commit to a minimum of 2 days of exercise each week to see results. Any fewer than that and each workout will feel like you're starting all over again each and every time.
Not having enough time to exercise is no longer an acceptable excuse ;)
2. What should I eat BEFORE a workout?
Ideally, you should have some form of fuel in your system before you work out. Eating an easily-digested carbohydrate an hour or so before you hit the gym ensures that you'll have enough energy in the tank to get through your program. Try fruit and yogurt or toast and peanut butter.
3. What should I eat AFTER a workout?
Eating after a workout is important. You need to replenish your glycogen stores and 'feed' the muscles that you've just trained. It’s recommended that you eat a small snack consisting of protein and easily digested-carbohydrates within about an hour of training.
4. What are the best exercises for getting rid of muffin tops/bat wings/inner thigh bulge?
Excess fat on the belly, upper arms and inner thighs doesn't typically occur in isolation. If you've got it there, chances are you've got it everywhere. You can't spot reduce. No exercise will target fat cells in just one part of the body. You need to target them all by utilizing exercise and proper nutrition.
5. Why can't I just do cardio?
While cardiovascular training is great for building strong hearts and lungs, it doesn't provide your body needs to build bigger, stronger muscles and bones.
6. How frequently should I see a trainer?
The perfect frequency of personal training sessions varies from person to person. Beginner with exercise and healthy eating? Need regular motivation and support to get to the gym? Have an injury that you're nurturing? You'll probably need to see a trainer 1-2 times per week.
7. How quickly will I see the results of my training?
Expect to FEEL the results of your training sooner than you SEE them. People who start a new exercise program and are consistent in getting their workouts done typically report improvements in sleep, mood and energy levels within a couple of weeks. Changes in body composition often take a bit longer to recognize; the more regular you are with your workouts and diet, the sooner the results will become noticeable (to you and to others too!).
Try focusing on small victories like how many more push ups you can do and how your favorite jeans fit.
8. Why don't my workouts ever get easier?
You'd think that as you become stronger and more familiar with the exercises your workouts would start to feel easier. Many people who 'go it alone' in the gym report exactly this. When exercises are progressed regularly, the body never truly adapts to the workout, making each program feel just as challenging as the one before.
A qualified personal trainer knows how to progress your training plan to keep your body guessing and moving forward at a reasonable pace. When clients say that their workouts seem to be just as challenging as they were in the beginning, we know that we’re doing our job well!
Who needs a personal trainer?
The simple answer is everyone!
If you have never worked out before a personal trainer will educate you about how to work out and teach you all about the gym as well as nutrition.
If you need motivation a personal trainer will motivate you to achieve your goals and hold you accountable to achieving them.
If you start at the gym and quit soon after a personal trainer will make things interesting for you, give you the tools you need to stay interested and will not allow you to lose your motivation.
If you have been recently injured or are rehabilitating an injury a personal trainer will design and or modify a program perfect for your unique set of circumstances to help ensure a safe and efficient recovery to full activity.
If you are a competitive or professional athlete a personal trainer will assist you with the most current dynamic and cutting edge exercises and training secrets to ensure that you perform to your peak potential and remain injury free.
How long is a personal training session?
At BTC all of our personal training sessions are either 30 minutes or 60 minutes in length.
How much do sessions cost?
Personal training session prices will vary based on how many sessions you will be purchasing. All session packages have payment plans available and are affordable for anyone. At BTC we have made hiring a personal trainer easy and affordable for anyone and everyone.
How do I get started with a personal trainer?
Come into BTC and book an appointment with our Fitness Manager
Call 905-637-0531 to get booked in to see our fitness manager.
Visit BTCworkout.com/contact —> Get started today